How SEO Content Has Changed


As the digital world is constantly evolving, so do the ways in which we do business online. With search-engine algorithms constantly being updated, marketers and writers like us have to rethink SEO best practices in order to create successful SEO content for our clients.

Let’s explore how SEO content has changed…

Hyperlinks: Less is More!

In the past, content writers tend to focus on the amount of links in their content. Now, forget about linking so much and make your content the priority. Your audience will appreciate quality, engaging content that remains relevant to their (and your) goals.

We suggest inputting one internal link and one external link within your content. If your content is lengthy or if it naturally requires more link love, then go ahead and add more where you deem appropriate!

So, start easing up on the hyperlinks, and focus on what truly matters: the quality content that is made for your audience.

Keyword Optimization: Go Organic

When you think of SEO, keyword optimization is typically the first thing that comes to mind. We’ve all been taught to ensure that particular keywords appropriate for the site at hand get placed word-for-word within the content. Well, this is just no longer the case.

Using RankBrain, a ranking algorithm learning artificial intelligence system (there’s a tongue-twister for ya!), Google is able to pick up on similar words within your content in order to optimize SEO. In its SEO guide, Hubspot writes, “Today, it’s important to optimize your page for the user experience.” Meaning: Write for the user. You don’t need to stuff certain keywords in there just to have them. Google got smarter. This is a huge bonus for us writers! We can write focused content without having to be at the whim of specific keywords.

Now, you can focus on writing outstanding content instead of rewording your message over and over again in order to ensure that you are following SEO best practices.

The Homepage: Simplicity is Key

The homepage is the first landing spot for your potential customer. When creating a website, you may feel the need to cram as much content as possible into your homepage in order to convey your message. Stop that.

We are here to tell you that the more simple your homepage is, the more likely your followers will be drawn to your company. Examples of websites with charmingly simple homepages are: DropboxAirbnbEvernote….and hey, Message Sprout 😉

Instead of filling that first page with lengthy descriptions, write simple hooks that will draw in your audience, send them them to other pages on your site for more info!

Mobility: Quality Videos and Images

One of the trends that is taking the digital world by storm is the increased use of mobile devices to access online media. A MacRae’s Marketing article on content marketing trends suggests that “content must be geared toward mobile device users even more this year.”

That said, content such as images and videos are utilized more often in order to grab a user’s attention. Spend some extra time optimizing these two types of content! This means not only making sure that your visuals are SEO-worthy, but that they are also of high quality.

Users are becoming more involved with the help of the increasing mobility and accessibility of online platforms. So focus your efforts on ensuring that your content has more quality SEO in order to make the connections that you need to be successful.

Using current content writing best practices is one of our fortes! To learn more about our copywriting services, go here.


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